Home » The section above the homepage should be minimalistic to highlight your unique value proposition and call to action.

The section above the homepage should be minimalistic to highlight your unique value proposition and call to action.

Be mobile-first

Google uses mobile-first indexing to rank websites in organic search results – the search engine bots crawl and index your website content from the perspective of a mobile device user.

In other words, having a mobile-friendly  indonesia telegram data website is essential to ranking high in search results.

Besides, over 80% of all web traffic comes from mobile devices – mobile optimization is also essential to improve your website browsing experience for most of your visitors.

Responsive design   for mobile devices is the best course of action.

You can implement responsive design elements by adjusting your website’s HTML code.

You can also use tools like GTMetrix or Google’s Lighthouse browser extension to check if your website is mobile-friendly.


3. Make the navigation bar simple

Nearly 40% of first-time visitors will look at your social media content opportunities for october website navigation immediately after entering one of your pages.

A messy or confusing navigation bar is likely to create bad first impressions and cause visitors to leave immediately.

Here it’s best to stick to web design conventions – a set of standardized web design best practices that users have become accustomed to and expect when visiting new websites.

In website navigation, this means the familiar horizontal bar at the top of the screen, with the clickable logo in the top left corner, for example.

You should aim for three to five menu items – maldivian lads  this gives website visitors enough variety to explore other pages and doesn’t overwhelm them with too many options.

4. Home page optimization

Your homepage is often the first point of contact visitors have with your website.

Its job is to familiarize visitors with your business and encourage them to stay – or potentially convert into your customers.

Again, focus on familiarity.

Then, you can gradually offer more details about your products or services as users move further down the page, along with trust details.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should just copy

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