What is a copywriter’s profession? What do they do on a daily basis? How can they help you? How do you become a copywriter? Today I hope to answer all your questions, all your doubts and to have better results than those obtained with my beloved grandmother. Einstein said “You haven’t really understood something until you can explain it to your grandmother” . And I must admit, I’ve tried many times to explain what I do in the office, but nothing, she calls me and asks me “do you want to write vùvùvù-domaniraive-oc’èilsole on your computer? She’s telling you the truth because I work on it!”
Well, I love grandma, so that’s fine, let’s not insist!
What It Is, What It Does
A copywriter is a very particular writer, generally oriented towards the web, therefore towards digital. He is the author of all the textual content hosted by a website, a forum, a company blog, an advertisement. Everything you read, starting from a long and complex text like this, up to the CallTo Action that invites you to buy, passing through the captions on Social Networks and newsletters, are written by copywriters.
If you want to be a copywriter you must necessarily have these characteristics, these skills (not hidden though) : kevin gunderson
- writing skills . For a person who writes, it is as obvious as it is essential. Believe me, I have corrected texts by “aspiring copywriters” with errors in apostrophes, accents, missing hs and so on… so be careful! It requires writing skills and correctness from both a grammatical and lexical point of view . Having a good vocabulary is the ace up the sleeve of this profession;
- creativity. This is perhaps what distinguishes us most from our “colleagues” journalists. The copywriter must not stop at reporting the facts, objectively and without judging… quite the opposite. He must be the voice of the company, he must convince, he must give personality and life to the text . And often there is no data to start from when writing, but only ideas and suggestions, associations of concepts that form in the head while reading and thinking about a specific topic. If you have good ideas in front of a blank sheet of paper, you can start this career;
How It Can Help You
- curiosity. In my opinion, this is the most important quality that a person who wants to do this job must have. If you are not curious and do not like to discover new things, I advise against this path. The desire to learn, to delve deeper, to answer all the questions that users might have on that particular topic, to understand all its facets is fundamental . The copywriter does not just write one text, sometimes he must write many others with the same topic, other times he must delve deeper into a part of it, and other times he must find more effective words to convey that concept;
- personality. The only way to not bore the reader and to ensure that the entire text is read is to have personality. Or rather, knowing how to put it into your words, knowing how to transmit it between the lines . This also means entering into such harmony with a company that you can be its voice even from the outside, even if it doesn’t belong to you directly. It’s not possible to transmit the same emotions in a text written for a dairy, for a doctor and for a wedding planner, right? But they all have to be personal, original, decisive… in the fresh list most appropriate way possible.